Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What's next Randall Stone?

I think, in light of Randall's flagrant mishandling of this matter, there is only one thing for him to do (that is, until the inevitable lawsuit from Officer Boothe hits him)...he needs to step down from the Police Advisory Board. Here is a letter I sent the Mayor and the Council tonight....my thouhgts echoed the words of the CPOA President, Peter Durfee and a citizen who also called for his resignation or removal....


November 19, 2013

Mayor Scott Gruendl
City of Chico
P.O. Box 3420
Chico, California 95927

Dear Mr. Gruendl,

I am sure you are aware by now of the flagrant mis-step by Council Member Randall Stone during the last week or so in relation to an employee in the Police Department and his alleged off duty conduct. In short, by way of what was likely a self-initiated media blast that served no other purpose than to fuel Mr. Stone's starving ego, Mr. Stone disregarded and violated the privacy rights, civil rights, employment rights and Peace Officer Bill of Rights of Officer Todd Boothe by disregarding established rules and process and making public allegations of misconduct against him. Although there are many disturbing aspects to what has taken place, one of the most disturbing is that now Officer Boothe and his family have been targeted as a result of Stone's inappropriate actions, and it is fair to say their safety has been jeopardized.

Equally disturbing, and the basic purpose of my letter is this: Mr. Stone is the Mayor-appointed member of the City Council assigned to the Police Community Advisory Board. Mr. Stone's actions have violated the established rules of the Advisory Board in relation to allegations of police misconducthere is only one thing for him to do, and are inexcusable. For someone who purports to be so knowledgable about so many things, the mere suggestion that he didn't know he should report allegations of misconduct to the Chief of Police is ridiculous and absolutely unbelievable. As a result of his misguided actions, and in addition to the harm he has caused Officer Boothe and the Police Department in general, he has violated a trust and respect that is essential for those who serve on the Advisory Board to possess. Mr. Stone is no longer worthy of serving in that role, and his continued presence would be a distraction, counter-productive and absolutely in conflict with the goal of cultivating positive relationships.

Mr. Mayor, please recognize what has already become so clear to so many in our community as a result of Stone's self-aggrandizing calamity: He needs to be removed immediately from the Police Community Advisory Board. He has demonstrated over and over again that he is not supportive of the Police, and his latest blunder only serves to reinforce what everyone already knows. Please replace him immediately with a Council member who can provide service that is fair, balanced, objective and absent of bias against our Police Department.

A concerned citizen,

Mike Maloney

c:  All City Council Members
    CM Brian Nakamura
    City Clerk
    Police - Chief, CPOA

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Randall Stone(r), Incompetence and Racism

The following is my OPINION. If you don't like it, it doesn't mean that I'm a racist or that I'm wrong. At the most, it means you simply don't agree with my opinion. That's your right...but be clear....this is MY OPINION!!

I am so angry right now...heart is pounding, head is spinning....I could just spit. I just heard a news story last night where a City Council member, Randall Stone, was blasting a Chico Police officer who he accused of being a racist and calling him incompetent in a Facebook posting. I'm not gonna reiterate the details of the news story, but if you wanna see it here's the link:

So, the question of the day is: Is Randall Stone incompetent?

INCOMPETENT (in-com-pet-tent) - Not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully; amateurish, blundering, bungling, inadequate, substandard, inferior.

How 'bout if we take a look at a few "Stone-isms," and you decide:

1. Did you watch any of his presentations during the campaign where (tragically for the City of Chico) he was elected? On a number of occasions, Stone was asked for perspectives about policing and the Chico Police Department in particular. On one occasion in particular, he was asked what he knew about the Chico Police Department. If you look at the record of his responses, you will quickly see that this guy knows nothing about policing in Chico, nothing about the Chico Police Department and nothing about those who provide policing services in Chico. His best references about policing issues were "members of Butte County law enforcement. Randy even declined, by way of a failure to respond, an open invitation for Council candidates to go on a PD ride-along, which would have taught him loads about the Department. Translated: he made no effort to connect with Chico PD to learn anything about them or their issues. In fact, in carefully worded excuses and rationalizations, he clearly sought to justify his absence of effort to learn anything about the Chico Police Department all throughout his campaign. What does that tell you about a politician who purports to place policing as a priority? Does this make him incompetent? Perhaps mendacious or disingenuous, but not necessarily incompetent.

2. I realize that marijuana is in the forefront of contemporary issues in California today, but it is clear that the people of the State want to take baby steps as we venture into that realm. Even though the indication is baby steps, are we at the point where we want to put leaders in office who are overtly supported by marijuana money? Look at the public records on Randall. At least 3 of his campaign contributors are marijuana people: Andrew Merkel, M. Max Del Real, Western Plant Science Association....folks, you can't even sugar coat this....these three donors are all about marijuana, and, as they perpetuate the blurred lines between what is and isn't legal in California in relation to marijuana, it is highly likely that the money they contributed to Stone(rs) campaign was dope money. Really Chico? Is that what we are about? I think not! So, does this make Stone incompetent? Maybe not by itself. In this case, he is either subtly exposing some of who he really is (spuriousness) or he's a hypocrite.

3. This guy inserted himself into a recent conversation about what is going on with the homeless and mentally ill in Chico. At one of the very first Clean and Safe meetings, Randy was bragging about how HE had "taken care of" the problem with the mentally ill on the streets of Chico by calling Behavioral Health and asking them to take care of it. He then took his token cruise Downtown, didn't see and mentally ill people, and proclaimed the problem solved. He continued, then indicating he would next handle the homeless problem. Really Randy? He appears to even believe himself. He was most embarrassed when my wife, who actually is in touch with what is going on with the homeless on the streets, called him out. Of course, now he awkwardly but arrogantly acknowledges her in public meetings because she called him out on his BS. Does this make him incompetent? Self-aggrandizing, yes.........but incompetent, I'm not sure.

4. Here's one I just love: During his campaign he repeatedly claimed credit for "creating 75 jobs." Really? Where are those 75 people now Randy? When called out on it, he changed his tune a bit and said "well, thats what the economists said I did." Hmmmm......if you tell me that you created 75 jobs, I'm gonna be thinking that you are single handedly responsible for putting 75 people who were not previously working to work. Ideally, the opportunity would be a sustained opportunity. But thats not what happened with Randall. What he did is consult with economists, engaged a series of calculations and determined, based on how many hours were spent on his construction project, how many jobs FTE he created (but did not necessarily sustain). Seems slimy to me....but I suppose in a technical sense Randall'scharacterization is accurate. Even though it is technically accurate, the way that Randall continually portrayed it is more in line with what I suggested people would believe if you said you created 75 jobs. Sooooo, does this slimy spin and disingenuous characterization make Randal incompetent. No, not really. He's clearly inclined toward deceit and arrogance, but not incompetence based on this story.

5. Oh! Speaking of his propensity to be misleading, here's another one for you: A few weeks ago Randall happened to go to a meeting where the Jail Commander from BCSO was present. The Jail Commander, on his own initiative, came to this meeting to offer his idea about how to help with the maintenance of Caper Acres. His idea was to use inmates who were on a special release program to do the work. Ultimately, this idea was embraced and approved by the full City Council....but here's the kicker: Have you heard Randall talking about it at Council Meetings? Have you read the news accounts of what took place, or seen the TV news stories? To hear Randall talk, one would easily come to believe HE is the savior of Caper Acres because HE made the arrangements for the prisoners to do the work. In fact, ironically, HIS Facebook page claims that "Councilmember Randall Stone brought this program to Chico..." Clearly another spin, potentially a lie, on his part, but is this incompetence? Probably not....just more of Randall's typical delusions of grandeur.

5. This is the one that takes the cake, and pisses me off more than anything. Apparently Randy is butt hurt because a CPD officer called him a name on his Facebook page and hurt his feelings. Randy investigated further, found some politically satirical images on the officer's page, and decided that the nature of the images makes the officer a racist in addition to a name caller. Following this, Randall apparently takes his discovery and info to the Human Relations Network of Butte County, and as a result of that contact the media learns of the incident (its not clear if the media learned of it on their own, or if Randy notified them himself). From there, there story linked to above comes out in the news. In his standard haughty and pontifical tone, Randall (apparently aghast at what has taken place) purports to be concerned about the safety of the Chico Police officers as a result of the postings....ahem.....I call bullshit! He also refers to CPD as "HIS" Police Department. Ummmm Randall, be very clear: CPD is NOT YOUR Police Department. In fact, you are an embarrassment to the Department. Let me list the reasons why:

- During your campaign, apparently knowing that the folks at CPD think very little of you, you steered clear. When asked what you know about them, you couldn't answer....because you didn't know anything, and you made no effort to learn anything. In their world, this failure on your part contributed significantly to the reputation you now have as being generally anti-police. Your absence of action is deafening on this one!

- Stone cites the Pickering case from 1968 as the basis for an absence of 1st Amendment protections for the comments posted by the officer. He apparently failed to read or understand the case. In truth, it is this case which lays the foundation, indisputably, for the officer's comments to be protected by the 1st Amendment. Although the line is fine, it is pretty clear: public employees are in a position to know things that are of public interest, and their speech about such things has qualified protections under the 1st Amendment. It is well established that Randal is often inclined to speak publicly about things he knows nothing about....he did it again here!

- Speaking of not knowing, Randal apparently does not know that the basis for whether or not an employer can address off-duty conduct of employees depends on whether or not there is a clear nexus to the employment. This is surprising, considering what a loud mouth know-it-all he is. Said differently, in order for CPD to address the Facebook conduct of the involved officer, the officer would have to have said or done something to establish a connection to CPD. If he had his picture in uniform..... or if he posted "I am a CPD officer and I think Randall is a buffoon," then there would be a clear nexus to employment. But, this does not appear to be the case this time. Again, Stone has stepped in it!

- Randall is apparently the appointed Council member of the Police Community Advisory Board. This is most disturbing!! As such, it would be expected that he know allegations of police misconduct are confidential personnel matters and officers accused of wrongdoing are entitled a variety of due process right. Mr. Supercilious should also know he is potentially in the chain of command for the officer, and has certain responsibilities as such. By taking his complaint to a public venue instead of the Chief of Police and perpetuating it with his inflammatory Twitter and Facebook posts, and then taking it to the media with the officer's name, Randall has disregarded and compromised the responsibilities of his position, violated the officer's rights to privacy, his rights to due process, his right to a fair and impartial investigation into the facts, he has slandered and defamed him, and much, much more. In short, he has established that he is not worthy to be sitting on the Advisory Board. The Board is not intended to be adversarial, but Stone has now established that he cannot be trusted to abide by the rights of police employees or the intent of the Board. His mere presence will be counter-productive he needs to be removed. To keep him will undermine the ability of the PD to have their own relationship with the community, and will detract from open and honest communication. Stone has demonstrated amply that he will spin, misrepresent, mischaracterize, etc. He cannot be trusted to be a participant in open and civil conversations involving the PD.

- Even today, presumably with no effort to understand the issues related to salaries and benefits in policing, Stone has a post on his Facebook page that is clearly intended as a shot across the bow of the cops and police management as he questions their salaries. I would suggest that this is divisive, and undermining. This fits with the flagrant misrepresentation he made at a Council meeting in July in relation to salaries of public safety employees. He demonstrates over and over that he is not a friend of public safety, and that he is willing spin the truth or even lie to reinforce and perpetuate his disdain for the police in Chico.

So, back to the original question: Is Randall incompetent? Well, we know he is mendacious; disingenuous; either a stoner or a hypocrite; self-aggrandizing; deceitful; arrogant; he has delusions of grandeur; he shows over and over again that he will speak authoritatively about things he knows nothing about, giving the appearance that he is quite comfortable with lying; he now has a well established anti-police, especially CPD, record........I think I would say YES.....it appears with all of this together, he IS incompetent.  

I'm not done yet. What about this issue of racism and the accused officer? Are satirical images of the president in and of themselves racist? Does display of such make one a racist? Or, is it only when these things occur in relation to an African-American President that they are racist? It's ironic that as I peruse the names of people in public postings who have commented on this story and crucified the officer, some of these very same people and their ilk are among the first to propagate unfavorable speech and images about the police. Sounds like a double standard to me, and it's typical of what I have come to expect from the likes of Randall Stone.  

Randall: Here's the bottom line. You stepped in it this time. It's time for you to man up and buck up. Grow some nads, take off your tighty whiteys, put on some big boy boxers, and admit that you screwed up. Just because somebody works for the City doesn't mean they can't have and express opinions about you as an elected official. In this case, opinions about your incompetence (which is now determined to be a factual statement). You owe the officer a public apology, and you owe it to this City's Police Department (NOT yours) to step down from the Community Advisory Board.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Homeless....Part II....

So here we are Chico. Tomorrow night, all the cats are going to gather in the City Council Chambers, and shit is gonna get real. There will be lots of angry people, lots of nervous people, a disjointed attempt at herding the cats, lots of choreographed attempts at having meaningful discussion (but no real decisions), perhaps a bunch of intimidating guys in red berets, Council members who will (again) fail to assert ANY leadership, and when the evening ends, many will be wondering what the heck just happened.

So Chico, what are we going to do? What should we do?

Well, I have my own opinion (surprise!)....here it is:

To deal with all the crap that is going on with the miscreants Downtown, there needs to be a two prong approach. Prong #1 is the short term. In the short term, key agencies need to come together, form a multi-disciplinary team, and hit the street making personal contact with the problem citizens. The teams should be comprised of police, behavioral health, VA, perhaps the Jesus Center and/or Torres reps who know the citizens, other activist/advocates, and some kind of direct liaison to the DA's Office. These folks need to start working with street people one at a time, establishing relationships quickly, determining the nature of their challenges or anti-social problems, and referring/urging/compelling them as appropriate based on the circumstances. Prong #2 is based on re-establishing a culture of relative safety in the community. To do this, a well staffed, robust police department will be essential. As there is no money to pay for more police, there needs to be a firm plan to enhance the City revenue while preserving what is currently allocated to policing. In short, the best way to do this is a dedicated sales tax. Foes will argue all the reasons this won't work, but the bottom line is that it will if the citizens really value policing.

I, of course, have lots to say in elaborating on Prong #1 and Prong #2. I will be there tomorrow night, and may or may not speak. But either way, I hope there will be folks among us who can really look at our situation strategically, realize that whatever we do as a community must have a realistic immediate action component, and then it must be sustained. Its time for the talk to stop. For anyone to suggest that the City Council needs more citizen input by way of a herding cats meeting to determine the exact nature of the current problem is asinine! If they don't know at this point, they are truly blind and absolute idiots. Everyone can see what is going on. Lets make something happen Chico!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Chico Homeless and Orchard Church

Have you ever heard someone talk about herding cats? Usually, the conversation is referencing a chaotic situation, and the herding piece alludes to a point person trying to bring order to the chaos. The reason I bring it up now is that the cats are running amuck in Chico right now, but there isn't anyone who has asserted any effort to establish any sort of order.

To be a little more specific, I'm talking about what is going on with the homeless and crime problem in Chico and the disjointed attempted responses. For a few weeks a group called Clean and Safe Chico, who seems to have really good intentions, has been having meeting after meeting, but they haven't accomplished anything in relation to addressing the problem. Another group, who has been laying low thus far, will be introducing their quasi-vigilante approach. This seems to be a group of people who have strong financial backing, who are not used to be told "NO," and who apparently intend to force the (ones they decide are) miscreants to leave Downtown Chico. This group, who calls itself R Town, has even had conversations with the famous Guardian Angels, who accomplish much of what they do through threats and intimidation.  Then there are others who speak boldly about what they are getting ready to do....but again, they have really done nothing. Tuesday night there will be more talk at another community meeting at the City Council Chambers. It is already agendized in such a way as to almost guarantee nothing will come out of it but more talk. Clean and Safe will talk about all the people they have talked to and how everyone is mad about what is happening, R Town will assertively list their demands, City Council and the Police reps will sit there quietly, a few cat callers will throw out there own one liner editorial criticisms. But thats all that gonna happen, talk.

In the meantime, the Police Department continues to be gutted. They have virtually checked out of anything and everything that requires extra effort or money. In doing so, they are disintegrating what ties they have had with the community....not because they want to, but because they have to and they are getting their butts kicked by the team of three outsiders who are currently running the City (who, by the way, will likely be gone in 1.5-2 years). The DA's Office has asserted that they will not waste time prosecuting the low level crimes typically committed by the homeless (trespass, unlawful lodging, etc.). There is nobody from Behavioral Health to deal with the street level people who are in need of services, the VA has established that they are like any other Federal agency: bureaucracy first, and helping clients is way down on the list. And while this is all going on, the City Council endeavors perpetually to ignore the problems that are so obvious to everyone else, to keep their heads buried in the sand, and to avoid at all costs making any decisions or asserting any leadership that is even the least bit suggestive of a plan to address community concerns. Sadly, the City Council is the only thing in this mess we can count on as a communitywe can count on them Not making a decision and NOT taking any action!

And all of that represents the cats running amuck with nobody attempting to herd them.

And while all of this has been going on, very quietly, very discreetly, not looking for attention or pats on the back, the Orchard Church has been trying to make a difference through their Sunday evening Church on the Street. Unlike Clean and Safe Chico, who has meetings to talk about "those people," unlike R Town, who wants to disregard their civil rights and herd them away, and unlike the City leaders, who are doing nothing, Orchard has been connecting with the homeless for 5 years. They have established relationships, built trust and helped many of those people off the street. Orchard has helped 3 people get back to their families, 3 more into rehab and 3 more into their own homes this year alone (so far). In addition, they run a men's house with ten residents, all of whom faced homelessness, addiction or other circumstances in their past. They have helped dozens of others over the years. Orchard makes their connection with people on the street by giving them a meal....once a week...for about an hour...in the downtown Plaza. This happens Sunday evenings, and has been going on for over 5 years...right across the street from City Hall and right outside the window of the Police Substation.

Now, because the order has been issued to "crack down" on the homeless, it seems the first focus of the crackdown is Orchard Church. The Parks Commission clearly does not like what they are doing, the poor kids they have working as park rangers seem to have taken Orchard's efforts as a personal affront to them, and dozens of uninformed citizens have written angry emails to Council members, left them calls, and publicly blasted (by way of social media) the efforts of the Church. And all of this, and the current efforts to revoke the ability of the church to continue their efforts, has occurred without a single person taking a moment to ask Pastor Jim Culp or others at Orchard exactly what it is that they do. Instead, Jim has been called a "ghetto preacher" by downtown business folks. Others have angrily and hatefully labeled the church members as co-dependent pseudo do-gooders who are causing harm and perpetuating the problem.

The response to Orchard has been disturbing to say the least. Nobody else is doing anything. They are, and they are being vilified. To me, this is disgusting! If anything, the other entities could learn from the example set by Orchard, and the efforts related to helping these folks off the street could be expanded.

Don't get me wrong...its not that I'm a bleeding heart who thinks that we should leave the homeless to be. On the contrary....I'm as angry as everyone else. I was pissed as I saw the crowd of vagrants who has now set up camp on the front lawn of the Council Chambers when I drove through Downtown today. I am pissed that Council after Council has let the charming culture of our community slip away....and now, while it is staring us in the face, they still refuse to assert a position against what we have become. I'm pissed that they have disregarded the benefit of having a well staffed police department to help solve the kinds of community problems like we are now facing. We once had a department that could do that, but years of neglect have left us with a department that struggles daily to staff shifts and keep up with calls for service. In fact, as a side note, I believe a big part of the solution to the problems this community is facing is to restore and then enhance the police. I'm pissed there are those in Chico who would even for a minute consider bringing a group like the Guardian Angels here, and sad about how many high profile Chico people have gone on record as being supportive of this. I can tell you for certain: Chico IS NOT a Guardian Angel type town!

But more than anything, I am pissed that this community and its leaders would attack Orchard Church for trying to make a difference. I support what Orchard Church is doing. Until somebody else in this town steps up to the plate and takes some action (instead of talking tough about what they would like to do), Orchard Church should be left alone.

Here is the letter I sent the City Council sharing my thoughts:

October 14, 2013

Chico City Council
411 Main Street
Chico, California 95926

RE: Orchard Church, Church on the Street

Dear Council Members,

Much has been said recently about problems caused in downtown Chico by homeless vagrants. In response, different groups of citizens with good intentions have formed or attempted to form responses, which are hoped, at some level, to help mitigate the problems. Street Pastors are out there on the street actually serving citizens in need, homeless and otherwise, and making a bit of a difference as they attempt to fill a void that has increased as of late due the diminishing presence of the police in Chico. Another group, Clean and Safe Chico, seems to have some great ideas in relation to dealing with the homeless vagrants specifically, but to date they have really been unable to accomplish anything other than having lots of meetings and talking about all the great things they would like to do….if they had money….lots of money.

While all of this attention and these different discussions and responses have been taking place, there has been something else going on that most Chico citizens are totally unaware of. In the furtherance of their mission to serve others, the Orchard Church has been conducting Church on the Street on Sunday evenings in the City Plaza for at least the last five years. In doing so, they have established relationships with many of those who are viewed as the problem in Downtown Chico, and they have, one at a time, helped many of these people out of their circumstances. In the last year alone, through contacts made and relationships established at Church on the Street, Orchard Church has helped 3 homeless people into housing, 3 more addicts into rehab and 3 more to return to their families. Chico hasn’t heard about any of this because the church is not doing it to get attention or credit, and they don’t make an announcement every time they are able to help somebody. They are just quietly working to make a difference.

As community discussion takes place in relation to the homeless, everyone seems to be full of ideas about what to do… drop-in centers, wet shelters, job training, etc. are all suggested. Unfortunately, what is missing from the community conversation is actual understanding of the variety of reasons people are homeless, an understanding of who these people are as individuals, and an inclination by the masses to come to know these people. Absent relationships with those who are actually existing in homelessness, it is likely that all the great ideas everyone has to take care of the problems will go nowhere. Well, the very things I have suggested a missing in general are not missing in relation to the works of Orchard’s Church on the Street. Jim Culp, his family and the members of Orchard Church, through Church on the Street, have helped countless people off of the streets over the years by having relationships with them, taking personal interest in their circumstances on a case by case basis and holding them accountable. They are doing exactly what this community wants done with “those people,” but does not otherwise know how to do.

Now, we are hearing that the City is attempting to stop the work of the church. This is most disturbing! We have an entire community wondering what to do, a City Council that seems to do everything it can to avoid making a decision or taking a position on community issues and nothing is being done by the City to solve the problems related to the homeless in Downtown. And at the same time, we have this apparent sudden new awareness of the work of Pastor Jim Culp, who now has downtown business people calling him “ghetto pastor” to his face, and an unexplainable desire to stop his work. He and his congregation are doing, and have been doing, what the leaders of this City have failed to do. So, why is Church on the Street being targeted? At this point, the most anyone can provide in the way of a response to the question is, “Well, what you are doing is unprecedented.” I guess that’s what we do in Chico when we are a City leader and we face unprecedented circumstances: We retreat to a bunker, bungle our own rules, and attempt to dismantle that which is unprecedented?

The Orchard Church, by the way, with the full awareness of each and every mayor for the last 5 years (whom Pastor Culp has met with personally), has implemented a solution (one of many possible) to help address the problems of homelessness in Chico. For that, they should be embraced, and the community and its elected and appointed leaders should seek to understand how Orchard has been successful. Stephen Covey spoke of the importance of seeking first to understand before seeking to be understood. Church on the Street has been happening quietly on the corner across the street from City Hall for over five years. Now, all of the sudden, in a keystone cop-like response, the Parks Commission and Park Manager are attempting to shut them down….and all of this is happening without any apparent effort whatsoever to learn about what they are doing – there has been no seeking of understanding. Rather, they appear to have become a target for blame about the problems in City Plaza. That is just wrong.

We support Orchard Church and what they are doing to make a difference. To force them to stop would be a travesty, as would allowing them to be blamed for the problems caused by homeless vagrants in Downtown Chico. They are doing exactly what this community needs (and needs more of), they are doing it on a shoestring, and they should be commended for their efforts. Please embrace their unprecedented activities, and acknowledge the benefit to our community. If they are forced to stop what they are doing, yet another void in the community response will be created, and the City will have taken a giant step backwards.


Mike & Laurie Maloney
Chico, California

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Slimy: Addendum

Further reinforcing my concerns, and my observation that there may be some sort of shell game or empire building going on, I open the local paper this morning only to see this advertisement for a newly created management level position in the City of Chico. Again, either we are in financial dire straits, or we're not. We don't eliminate management positions to save money, and then create new management positions....and if that is our intent, it should be done all together at one time with the other proposed changes....not quietly, and out of context with the other changes.

Here is the link to the job (cut and paste to your browser):


Now, this makes me wonder what other similar moves are pending. Again, it's time to stop this train and put everything on the table before anything is finalized. I remain concerned!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Something Slimy....

Something slimy is going on in Chico right now. Actually, it looks like its been going on since the Fall of 2012. Here’s some components of the sliminess:

-                Repeated appearances by the City Manager before the City Council with new proposals for “rightsizing” the City, concepts with little or no detail presented, eventually some associated dollar figures, but always with relevant or complete information left out.

-                Lots of talk from the three new guys running the City (CM, ACM, ASD) about how broke the City is, and how it has been run into the ground by past leaders.

-                A City Council that continues to receive the City Manager appearances in this manner, and echoes in agreement that the City is broke.

Now that’s just the foundation of the sliminess. Here’s where the head scratching starts:

-                The fact that the City is broke has apparently been well known for some time, yet the current City Council brings in a new City Manager at $27,000 higher than the last one was making. He came in at $217,000, and with his $400 per month car allowance will make $223,008 + benefits annually after July1.

-                The Assistant City Manager who “retired” shortly after the new City Manager took over was replaced with a guy who started at the top step of the pay scale, which is $27,000 more than the previous guy. This guy came in at $185,000 and with his $400 car allowance (because the ACM needs a City car????) he will be at $190,318 + benefits after July 1.

-                Then, the Finance Director makes a quick exodus, and within 24 hours of her resignation announcement the new City Manager hires a guy without doing any recruitment….and get this: He starts the guy at $130,000, which is slightly higher than the previous Finance Director…..but the City Council then approves a contract guaranteeing that June 1, 2013 his salary will bump up to $160,000 annually whether or not he is promoted to the new Admin Services Director position!!!! This guy started in March at $130,000, June 1 he was bumped up to $160,000 and July 1 he will be at $161,048 + benefits.

These three things alone just stink……but there’s more. Guess how many of the “new” rightsized city department heads got the new top step of the salary range? Only one: The guy that got the $30k annual raise guaranteed after only three months on the job. If the other 4 department heads are going to get one, it hasn’t happened yet. A review of documents related to the City’s proposed budget for next fiscal year suggests that all 5 of the Department heads will be at the new max July 1…..which of course prompts the question: Are we really that broke if we can not only increase the salaries of the top 3, but we increase all the rest of the remaining department heads as well?

There’s more…..

Have you really dug into this whole layoff notices given to 53 employees thing? Well, as with the smell associated with the new department head salaries, there is additional stench….there is a very clear indication that crafty manipulation of the personnel rules is taking place in order to get rid of those employees in City Hall who are not liked, and to retain those who are. There is a plan afoot to layoff several employees, reclassify their positions, and then speculation is that in some cases the positions will be refilled. It’s not clear whether there will be recruitments or simple appointments to fill the new jobs. Examples: in HR, 3 people received layoff notices (there are only 3 HR employees), yet that would virtually eliminate the department…..and at the same time there is a move to create two new job classifications in the City; Human Resource Analyst and senior Human Resource Analyst. In the City Clerk’s Office, the plan is to layoff 2 people, one FTE and one who is shared with another department…then to create a new “Deputy City Clerk” position at a rate HIGHER than the person being laid off. And then there’s the City Manager’s Office…the two Admin Analysts, who presumably are not in favor with the CM, are being laid off and a new position of Executive Assistant is being created. Word is that this is happening in other departments as well…Finance for one. It is obvious this is based on favoritism and a desire to derail any due process rights of employees when it comes to bumping. These re-creations of positions that are being forcefully vacated will eliminate the ability of future incumbents to bump if the City is forced into layoffs again.

I’m sorry, but that whole series of moves stinks to high Heaven. Apparently so much that the Chico Employees Association (one of the employee unions – the one that represents a lot of the people in City Hall who are being laid off) has already figured it out and communicated their concerns to the City Manager.

This is how business is done in corporate America. But, really? In Chico? Chicago, yes…Chico, no.

Somebody with some gonads on the Council needs to bring this trainwreck to a grinding halt, and bring it ALL out in the open in one place at one time. To realize all that I have just described has taken place in our City government in less than one year causes me to question how seriously the Council takes our financial dire straits and whether or not the new hired gun has succeeded in seizing the opportunity to empire build. Either way, I am absolutely blown away that this kind of stuff would be stood for in this town.